How Can You Help During Domestic Violence Awareness Month

1.Volunteer! Plug in your zip code at to find shelters and domestic violence agencies in your area.

2.Donate goods. Domestic violence survivors who leave an abuser often have little more than the clothes on their backs. Donations of household goods, uniforms, toys and small appliances can make a big difference. Check with your local shelter to see how you can help.

3.Wear purple clothing or ribbons on Thursday, Oct. 25 in support of domestic violence awareness, and share your photo with the tag #PurpleThursday.

4.Distribute purple ribbons to visible community members such as clergy, law enforcement officers, court officials, librarians, postal employees and emergency room staff. 

5. Donate cell phones, batteries and accessories to Hopeline, which provides phones to domestic violence survivors and funds to agencies that help them.

Read more tips here!