Back to School Buying Guide

The list of supplies always seems endless, and it is hard to estimate how much we need to buy for our kids. Did you know the average parent spends $600 per kid on back to school supplies?! Here are some ways to mitigate the back to school spending. 

1. Go through your house and find any items from last year that you can use!  Put all these items in a bucket or in plain view so you can clearly see what you have before heading out the door to shop. 

2. Do you have more than one child? Don't go shopping with all four lists printed out separately, combine your list into one so you can be keeping in mind what you can buy in bulk! 

3.Don't forget to look at drug stores and Dollar General! 

What Should You Buy Now?
Warm Weather Clothing (lots of sales!)
What to Buy Later:
Cold weather clothes

Check out this videofor more tips!