3 Tips for Making This School Year the Best One Yet!

One of our values is representing clients in divorce and child custody cases with a “child first” approach. This includes working with parents who have their children’s best interest at the forefront as well as encouraging and promoting co-parenting every step of the way. 

Transitions of any kind in a child’s life pose different and difficult challenges.  We strive to provide real life and valuable tips and advice to help with parenting – I know I am always looking for resources and good advice.

I can’t believe that another summer and come and gone, and the new school year is right around the corner!  Below are 3 tips to help with the transition and make the 2017 – 2018 school year the best yet for you and your children.

1.      Decide on screen time guidelines before the school year. Making these guidelines before the start of the year helps avoids those inevitable battles after the school day.  When deciding on guidelines, think about what is most important to you as a parent.  What do you want to ensure: time being active and outside, getting homework done first, helping with chores around the house, or a combination of these? Make a visible list, to be checked off before screen time is allowed – and your children will love the satisfaction of getting these activities crossed off the list. 

2.      Give the bedrooms a mini makeover – particularly if your child is making a big transition (for example, from pre-school to kindergarten or elementary to middle school).  It is a nice celebration that your child has grown.  And, mini means inexpensive: swap out the bedding or repaint a piece of furniture or hang a new poster on the wall. 

3.      Think through your morning and stash get-out-the-door-essentials where you use them. Getting out the door in the morning on time can be the biggest challenge.  Help reduce your stress and your children’s anxiety by having a place for everything in the morning – no more time wasted by trying to find something.